Category Archives: English

Shakespeare sonnets with rose

In defence of obscure words

Do you know what these words mean: sesquipedalian, desiderata, milt, ineluctable, modality, argot, grue, heliotropic, solipsism? Would you be put off reading something if a writer had you reaching for…

Baby looking surprised

Here a smack, there a smack

Disregarding the simplistic and unevidenced class-based pronouncement by David Lammy that a lack of parental self-confidence in disciplining children could be partly responsible for so profound a social problem as…


Sic! The illiterati are out in force

Waterstones has outraged the grammar police by dropping the apostrophe from its logo. The Twittersphere is ablaze with the defence of a punctuation mark that Boots, Morrisons, and Debenhams seem…


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