Tag Archives: voting

Who do senior politicians pay most attention to?

Ask not what our young people can do for our country: why 2m first-time voters won’t make it to the polls in 2015

British Futures’ report on political engagement among first-time voters is the source of some depressing statistics. In its introduction, Voice of a Generation: What do 2015’s first-time voters think? says:…

Extremist voter

Democracy: what is it good for?

I’ve talked to a lot of people in the last few weeks who think politicians are all the same and it’s just not worth bothering to vote. Research published this…

Tony Been - Free at Last! Diaries 1991-2001

From the wallet to the ballot

A transcript of a video interview with Tony Benn from The Guardian in which he discusses democracy: I think every single issue that exists today about democracy and throughout history…


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